Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Why not?

Just because you are born with only one leg and you felt impaired by it? There are many people out there who are physical endowed with complete physical capability, yet felt totally impaired inside. So with one leg, you could even be better off than them!

The question then, why not: why not you have a dream?

Is it because you just can’t know how to have one! Because in your family no one has ever reached their own dreams before, and thus you can’t see how you could? There isn’t a model for you to emulate, thus to speak and you just can’t seem to see how you could?

Are there still other reasons why not you have a dream? Because you’re a woman, and it’s said that a woman is inferior than her opposite counterpart? And therefore you bought the notion and are hindered by it? Is the notion true, in the first place? Should you buy it?

Or is it just because you’re afraid?

This introduction will lead you to asking and finding the answer to your inhibitions to having a dream, let alone fulfilling it. This idea will guide you to understand and overcome those inhibitions, and successfully embarked upon your journey of fulfilling your dream.
There are no reasons why you should not have a dream! Life is far too short for you to waste it upon your very own fears and inhibitions!

This introduction is written in simple language to help you understand the very things you need to understand, and not much simpler is this introduction written than in plain and layman terms. The whole idea is to make your reading and learning, and ultimately your embarkation towards your dream, becoming a truly pleasant and less burdening an experience.

It is always important to be able to enjoy what you’re doing, as in the long run it will help you sustain your interest and motivation towards achieving your dream. Why not?

After all the idea of fulfilling your dream is to get where you want to be or obtained what you want in life so that it could help make your life much pleasant and happier than before. And no better way to start having that pleasant beginning than to enjoy your journey towards discovering and fulfilling your very own dreams! Why not?

Mayn Yingele - My Little One!

(A Yiddish Song)

I have a son, a little son,
A boy completely fine.
Whenever I see him,
it seems to me
That all the world is mine.
But seldom, seldom do I see
My child awake and bright.
I only see him when he sleeps;
I'm only home at night.
It's early when I leave for work;
When I return, it's late.

Unknown to me is my own flesh,
Unknown is my child's face.
When I come home so wearily
My pale wife exclaims to me:
"You should have seen our child play."

I stand beside his little bed;
I look and try to hear.
In his dream he moves his lips:
"Why isn't Papa here?"


Don't sacrifice your family, or even, your children's childhood, on the alter of career or other pursuits. You could be there to help create a wonderful and memorable childhood for them -- by simply being there for them. Take time to know them; take time to love them; and most of all, just be there to watch them play...

This Yiddish Song reminded me of my father, and the only thing I remembered of him was that he was always away in the early hours of the day even when the morn hasn't yet broken from its silent darkness! When he came back, I was already asleep, alone too, in the darkness of night. We grew up not knowing each other...

It came to a point I felt uncomfortable to be in his company; he was a father, yet a stranger to me. I felt sorry for him, now. I felt a twinging sadness in me whenever I see my old man, and now that I'm a father too, I wonder how would my son looks at me?

I try to be with him; have laughter with him; play with him; and I very much try to be a father he would be glad to have one too. Even should he has a chance to change for another, I wanted him not to do so...that is how much I wanted him to be glad to have me as his father.

Yet, I had not the power, or the rights, to impose upon him the ultimatum of choice: how he would choose to take me, will much depends on me behaving as one, a father to him. The choice in him is in direct proportion of my very own behaviour as a father to him and the resultants of perceived minds he would formed of me. That would indeed determines how he would take me as his father.

Even if he grew up to be a sensible man -- as fillial and morally-upbrought as he could be, to his grand, old dad -- but he would had never been able to betray his very own emotions: of his true, own feelings towards me... I love my son, as I dote my daugther; but whether I could be a good father to them, in that sense,depends much on how I treasure them in that manner discussed above.


There are time when I wanted to quit work, and get much time just spending those magical moments with them. But in a world of reality as it is now for ours, all that seems to be, is just another mere fantasy.

But it should not stop me, or you my friends, from taking that small, accumulated time which when spent wisely on them, will yield results of love, bonding each and every one of us (you) in strong family ties too.

Your son, as mine, and your daughther, as mine too, need nothing more of those money and worldly gains, if it is not meant to enjoy it with...you! The secret then, is to strike that balance between providing for their needs, and making that time to be with them.

Take time to slow down at times; take time to rush for them at other times; but most of all, when you take that time, you would be glad, many years later down the road, many at times in their growth, you had indeed been there to witness it, and be there to be with them.

You would be glad because by then you would realised that when the chance to see them grow has already been bypassed in your life, it can never be reclaimed, ever again! You'll be glad that you had indeed, seized that only chance!

I never had wanted myself to grow in regrets throughout, in seeing my son's and daughter's childhoods passes by me without fond memories of us together spending time; I want to be there for him, and her, as I believe my father would want to be for me years ago had him find the way to do so and had he knows what I would had wanted our family to be like, in those years ago...

I believe by now, he had known and realised of what it means seeing that chance to see us grow had passes by him, and how it can never be reclaimed by him, ever again! Don't live life of regrets; live life of love and a life-span spent loving and being there for them, as what you wouldn't want your child as in the poem had portrayed him to be, sleeping at night, alone in twinging sadness and in his dream, had him wondering: "Why isn't Papa here, to stay and see him plays?"

Your son, as is my child, is too fragile to be beaten with the rod of emptiness, nor should he be confined in the darkness room of negligence.

Be there for them and be there as it's for yourselves too -- of having that chance to see them smile and play; having that moment of memories of them running to you, giving you that hugs and kisses you would cherish, throughout your phase of fatherhood. Once gone, it can never be reclaimed, ever again! "