Sunday, August 2, 2009

Your Train of Life: Where Are You Going, My Dear?

You're riding this train called "your life".
Where are you heading to?

Most of all, do you have a purpose to bring yourselves onto a journey of life?

What will your journey be like then? Will the ride be smooth, or bumpy at certain turns? Will you enjoy your ride?

Will your sense of purpose help you stick onto the journey no matter how unpleasant the journey may be at times? Will you move onwards on a journey towards reaching "someplace" in life?

What do you want to accomplish in life? What legacy would you want to leave behind as what you want others would remember you to be during your lifetime?


If you don't know where you are going to, or not knowing what your purpose is on this journey of life, then any track would not matters: any track will take you "someplace else"!

But the question is: is that "someplace else" the actual place you want to be at the end of your journey?

Or will it leave you regretting not having the full control of the train wheel, of having that chance to master your own destiny and sending you on a journey of reaching that actual someplace you want to be?

If you understand the importance to be in control, then the difference between destiny and fate then becomes clearer: destiny is upon which you have control over (reasoning why we've always been told that no one can help us unless we help ourselves first, remember that saying?) whilst fate is upon which God set onto you a circumstance of which is in accordance of your chosen destiny, in the first place.

And that fate very much will be determined to be positive or otherwise, depending upon how you appreciate every degree of the journey's of life importance! Each appreciation will lead to better utilisation of your time, setting your focus onto the journey (minimising distractions) and ultimately, with God's willing, turn your fate into success of attaining to reach that actual place you set forth to at the very beginning of that awareness to be in control of your destiny/journey.

The choice begins with you understanding your purpose in life; it begins with the realization that we are capable to be in command of our own destiny!

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